Detachment Officers

“Today, the world looks to America for leadership. And, America looks to its Corps of Marines.

Ronald Reagan, President of the United States; 1985

Contact Information:

Treasure Valley Detachment #878
Marine Corps League, Inc.
P.O. Box 45874
Boise, Idaho 83711-5874

You can use the links below to send an email to any of the Officers or just call them.

Jack E. Cunningham Commandant 208-740-0594 [email protected]
Skip Nakashima Senior Vice Commandant 208-362-1490 [email protected]
Robert Hale Junior Vice Commandant 208-208-9881 [email protected]
Danny B. Thornton Judge Advocate 208-559-3512 [email protected]
Robert Balfore Junior Past Commandant 208-323-2337 [email protected]
Richard Keplinger Chaplain 208-302-9795 [email protected]
David G. Swickard Adjutant / Paymaster 208-631-4384 [email protected]
Jay Gunter Sergeant at Arms 208-659-5269 [email protected]
Brett S??? Web Master xxx xxx
Garrett Randel, Jr. Newsletter Editor 208-938-5171 [email protected]
Joe Davis Quartermaster 208-330-9585 [email protected]
N/A Historian xxx xxx

“Panic sweeps my men when they are facing the American Marines.”

Captured North Korean Major 1952